Are you on Twitter?
July 22, 2009 |

Roxanne (or other bloggers),
I am doing some research on Greenville, SC radio DJ's and am trying to obtain a biography on Monty DuPuy --> do you happen to have one? Do you know what year Monty DuPuy was born in or how old he was when he started on radio?
Thank you.
I am doing some research on Greenville, SC radio DJ's and am trying to obtain a biography on Monty DuPuy --> do you happen to have one? Do you know what year Monty DuPuy was born in or how old he was when he started on radio?
Thank you.
July 12, 2009 |
Steve from Greenville

Thanks Roxanne for posting a reply to dispute the water-boarding article on the Greenville Journal. I was appalled when I read Doug Greenlaw's attempt to make it sound legitimate.
June 19, 2009 |

What a great job you do bashing republicans, maybe you will change your mind when Obama and the rest of the liberals finish destroying our country. let me guess your also a acorn supporter and you think we really need socialized health care??? what a joke you are!!
June 19, 2009 |

great to see you have had quite a life..what a long way from natural 97 huh?
you look like you havent changed a bit..
that sucks about your dismissal hope they paid dearly.
great to see you have had quite a life..what a long way from natural 97 huh?
you look like you havent changed a bit..
that sucks about your dismissal hope they paid dearly.
May 16, 2009 |

I appreciate your loathing of republicans but do you really think that obama bush is any better? Really?
May 14, 2009 |
Frank Lucas

I liked your site.
March 24, 2009 |
Pat Williams

Hey, Roxanne. Love your site. I am sharing it with my liberal friends in the Upstate. Keep up the good work! And let me know if you want to play some golf.
March 18, 2009 |
Sharon McCall

Hey Roxanne,
Another former coworker here, how are you i can't beleive Ben is 19. Hope to hear from you soon.
Anthony "Tony" Castle
Another former coworker here, how are you i can't beleive Ben is 19. Hope to hear from you soon.
Anthony "Tony" Castle
March 15, 2009 |

Hello old 'co-worker' a company whos' name we do not say now? haha
I just accidentally found your site doing some research on 'MONTY'S RASCALS', and wanted to say hi. (don't ask)
I live in Massachusetts where I've been co-host of a morning show in Boston since 1993! I have three kids, a 12 yr old daughter,3 year old son, and 8 month old girl..and look fantastic...hahah.
Anyway,you were always to pleasant to be around and a genuinely nice person. Certainly well above the intelligence level of most people I have worked I'm glad to see you are expressing yourself in so many ways here.
If you ever want to say hello...(if you remember me!) I'm on facebook and all the usualy annoying social pages, and of course, my email is in the author line.
Thank goodness your name came up in a google search of Monty Dupuy!
Take Care..Kevin Barbare
I just accidentally found your site doing some research on 'MONTY'S RASCALS', and wanted to say hi. (don't ask)
I live in Massachusetts where I've been co-host of a morning show in Boston since 1993! I have three kids, a 12 yr old daughter,3 year old son, and 8 month old girl..and look fantastic...hahah.
Anyway,you were always to pleasant to be around and a genuinely nice person. Certainly well above the intelligence level of most people I have worked I'm glad to see you are expressing yourself in so many ways here.
If you ever want to say hello...(if you remember me!) I'm on facebook and all the usualy annoying social pages, and of course, my email is in the author line.
Thank goodness your name came up in a google search of Monty Dupuy!
Take Care..Kevin Barbare
March 4, 2009 |
Kevin Barbare

Thanks for staying on the guns, almost single-handedly, Roxanne.
Progressives have a long way to go to change the power structure here in the Upstate, but we're going to get there.
We'll get there the same way big fish get eaten by small fish---a bite at a time.
Progressives have a long way to go to change the power structure here in the Upstate, but we're going to get there.
We'll get there the same way big fish get eaten by small fish---a bite at a time.
September 19, 2008 |
Floyd McGurk

Hey Roxanne! I linked your RSS feed to a new Web site which I hope will become a replacement for The Beat. The url is but I am going to change it to as soon as I can figure out how. Check it out!
September 16, 2008 |
Dan Ruck

I enjoyed your blog. I am glad to find another who is so passionate about justice. Also glad to meet another person that recognizes the "good ol' boy" mentality that lingers on in SC.
August 20, 2008 |
Pat Schroeder

You are a wonderful, caring, compassionate individual...thank you for this website. I am a 43yo gay's hard being gay. At 43 years of age, I still struggle over who I am and how much the stigma of being gay has affected my life.
Thank you so much for being so understanding and compassionate...
Thank you so much for being so understanding and compassionate...
August 8, 2008 |

Great page, are you interested in doing some PR work for MoveON- Operation Democracy? We are hosting two events shortly and would love media coverage! Kaye
August 4, 2008 |
Kaye Martell

You Go Girl!!!
Love ya
Don & Adamy
Love ya
Don & Adamy
August 3, 2008 |
Don Carpenter

OOO, Interesting story))
July 25, 2008 |

Hey Roxanne,
I found your linkage off 07.08 SKIRT pub...good to see you are still around!!!
How often do you update and post here??
I'm writing again in annonymous format over at a blog in CA...not that any of my 5.3 readers from the upstate have found me(alycerants was a million years
take care and write if you get a chance
I found your linkage off 07.08 SKIRT pub...good to see you are still around!!!
How often do you update and post here??
I'm writing again in annonymous format over at a blog in CA...not that any of my 5.3 readers from the upstate have found me(alycerants was a million years
take care and write if you get a chance
July 6, 2008 |
Alyce McPartland

Hi Roxanne! Got a laugh out of the whining on the Greenville News blog site about you blocking out comments from right wing-nuts. Any idea how we can apply that technique world-wide?
June 27, 2008 |
Dan Ruck

Hi Roxanne! Glad to find your blog! Good work and I'm so happy to know that you are still fighting for what's right!
June 11, 2008 |
Libby Gordon